Being a twin is like being born with a best friend.
How does life feel when you are twin? I would rather say pretty much the same as everyone else, yet it is a life that feels connected. Everything you do, your actions, speech are connected. Being a twin myself, the connection that I have with my twin sibling is truly hard to explain. It feels as if your mind and soul is connected by a red string like fate. Although we are two individuals with two different personalities, your twin’s presence and whole existence itself becomes half of you, a part of you that would never disappear. One of the most common insights that individuals are fascinated through the study of twins is whether they possess a telepathic connection with each other.
Telepathy is the process of accessing thoughts or feelings without any sensory input such as sound, sight or touch.
Twins are classified as both monozygotic and dizygotic beings. Monozygotic twins, produced through the division of a single zygote into two embryos are referred as identical twins, whereas dizygotic twins, fertilized in two separate eggs released at the same time are called fraternal twins. Twin telepathy is most commonly seen in identical twins, yet it is also developed through fraternal twins. Thus what is this telepathic connection that binds them?
Twins share a special connection with each other. Since this connection is unique people often presume that twins possess some sort of supernatural ability. Studies show that twins have an ESP meaning an Extrasensory perception that gives them the ability to perceive things and gather information, without relying on physical abilities. There are several instances where twins would feel if their twin is in danger or if something does not feel right. They would feel their emotions and even their pain in several instances. Furthermore, people often believe that twins can read each other’s minds and that is an action that happens without their awareness such as listening to the same song at the same time, finishing off each other’s sentences, performing the same actions. Being a twin myself, I have no clue how exactly that happens and how we are able to think alike. However, I do believe that my intimacy with my twin and that telepathic link that exists can often be similar to a sixth sense.
Although there is not enough scientific evidence to prove how a twin’s telepathy functions, the special bond that twins share with each other can be proven as an empathically more powerful bond than any other bond in the world.